
Self-Isolating Due to COVID-19
Mar 16, 2020

This applies to MBS and EZ-Bill clients:
If you or your billing staff have to self-isolate then you have a couple of options for you so that your work and billings can continue without interruption. The best method is to use a remote desktop connection (RDP). You will need to configure your router at the office to direct your connection to your current billing billing computer. If you know how to configure your router this is a free option, or you may have to pay a tech $50 approx. to do this for you. After that you will be able to access your billling computer from almost anywhere as long as you have the address and the login ID.
The second option we can offer you is to move your software application and data to a computer that is accessible by the person who is isolated. This is a quick and dirty solution but it removes the ability to access current information at the office computer.
The third solution involves using a paid remote connection software such as Teamviewer, Anydesk or Splashtop etc. These solutions are subscription based and cost about $500 a year. You essentially end up with a RDP connection
Our reccommendation is to use the RDP solution above. It gives you the flexibity to use the remote connection anytime in the futre should this problem re-occur.
If you need to discuss any of these options please contact us.

Time Limit for Claims
Feb 20, 2020

Effective March 31, 2020, the time limit for practitioners to submit claims to the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) for services provided in Alberta changes from 180 days to 90 days. See bulletin Gen-123

Good Faith Policy Changes
Feb 20, 2020

Effective March 31, 2020, Alberta Health will not make payment in good faith for claims submitted for services rendered when the eligibility of a patient is not verified or for services rendered in a hospital setting when the Alberta Personal Health Number (PHN) is not present or the coverage is not verified through Netcare. See bulletin Gen-122

Other Issues


Alberta Health is reporting: Due to technical difficulties, some claim submissions received on a Thursday are not being processed by the 4:30 pm deadline. In order to ensure that your submissions are processed on time, we strongly recommend submitting prior to 4:30 pm on Wednesdays. We apologize for any inconvenience and we are working to get this issue resolved. H-Link Administration (Posted On: 2015/05/04)