Business Arrangement Number
To use Logic Resources as your accredited submitter you need a business arrangement number that lists us as your submitter. You will probably need to apply for a new BA number using AHC form 913. Complete this form and send it directly to Alberta Health. If you have never had a BA number with Alberta Health you will need to attach a copy of a voided cheque along with your application form. If you have previously submitted a voided cheque to AHC for another BA number then you do not need to send another one.
If you have a BA number that has never been used for submitting claims then it can be assigned to Logic Resources. You will need to complete the form 2096 and fax or email it to us. Complete the top section of the form and sign and certify the bottom left section of the form and send it to us. We will complete the middle portion and sign and certify the bottom right section.
Claim Submissions
The deadline for claims submission is Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm.
When you make a claims submission you will receive an email from our server within 5 minutes telling you that your submission has been received and processed. If there are any errors in any of the claims, the email will list them. Always wait for your confirmation email. Also the bottom of the email may contain any important messages that pertain to software updates, changes to submission schedules or information from Alberta Health.
Claim Submission Valid Period
Effective April 1 2020, you have 90 days from the date of service or the date of the last transaction to submit your claims to Alberta Health.
Facility Numbers
If you are at a new clinic or facility, then we won't have the facility number in the validation tables. You will need to provide us with your new facility number so that our software will accept it.
Locum Services Configuration
If you are working as a locum there are four ways in which your claims can be submitted and processed by Alberta Health. You need to consider:
- Will the payment be made to the practice or the locum's BA number
- Will the claims be submitted through the practice's submitter or through the locum's submitter
The physician paramers file of your software needs to be configured in one of the following ways:
Payment is made to the practice using the practice's submitter: Enter the practice's BA number in the Bus Argmt field and leave the locum Bus Argmt field blank
Payment is made to the practice using the locum's submitter: Enter the practice's BA number in the Bus Argmt field and enter the locum's BA number locum Bus Argmt field blank
Payment is made to the locum using the locum's submitter: Enter the locum's BA number in the Bus Argmt field and locum Bus Argmt field blank
Payment is made to the locum using the practice's submitter: Enter the locum's BA number in the Bus Argmt field and enter the practice's BA number locum Bus Argmt field blank
Payment File Processing
The submission deadline is Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm. Claims received before this time will be processed and paid by Alberta Health on the Friday 9 days later. The electronic payment file is generally available by Tuesday, three days prior to the Friday that the payment will be made.